Siaran Akhbar

Enough laws in place to protect Malaysians now that masks indoors are off???

Sep 9, 2022

1. Now that the facemask mandate indoors for Malaysia has been lifted, are sufficient laws in place protecting Malaysians from irresponsible people who may infect others with Covid-19?

2. Our healthcare system and economy have taken enough of a bashing for the past two years to simply allow and promote self-responsibility among Malaysians.

3. While the time has come for us to embrace more levels of normalcy following the global pandemic, we must all be mindful that our war against the deadly virus is far from over.

4. The tendency among some Malaysians to throw all caution to the wind and infect others will likely prevail.

5. Even if many of our citizens have expressed their wish to continue masking-up, there must be laws in place to protect the vulnerable and also those who come into contact with those who may be infected and stepping out to public places.

6. Our hawkers, service staff and all other frontliners must continue to be protected even if Malaysia has opted to follow some other countries around the world in no longer compelling its citizens and visitors to wear face-masks.

7. Are there any new standard operating procedures drawn up for international arrivals at our airports, sea terminals and land borders from countries which may still be reporting high Covid-19 cases?

8. Are we doing enough to protect our own nationals from tourists who may be responsible for spreading the virus?

9. It is all well and good that the time may have come for all Malaysians to assume greater responsibility for their own care and safety.

10. The responsibility of the government in continuing to protect the health and safety of its residents, however, must in no way be abdicated or set aside.

Baljit Singh
Gerakan Vice President



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