Press Release

How can CNY decoration be a religious display to propagate non-Islamic teachings?

Jan 9, 2020

Referring to the issue regarding the CNY decorations that was put up in a school in Puchong which was claimed to be religious and seen to be an attempt to influence Muslims, it is honestly disappointing to see a lawyer from an extreme party with his aggressive view on this matter. He should have instead embraced and put aside our cultural differences for the greater good of our harmony. It is indeed alarming to see the growing racial intolerance especially in a multi-cultural country like Malaysia.

Education institutions especially schools are the foundation of unity for the future keeping in mind of the various races and cultures and it is in schools that we teach them about unity and harmony. Festivals like this should be celebrated together putting aside our differences instead of criticizing and unnecessarily creating racial misunderstandings.

The racial intolerance among us Malaysians is widening and it has already began to affect the young generation. We have to always act in accordance to the Perlembagaan and Rukun Negara Principles to maintain peace and unanimity here. The government has to work on finding a course of action to re-integrate the unity at grassroots level for the objective of strengthening the nation as looking at the direction where we are heading now seems to be worrying.  I hope the government will look into this issue to bridge the gap in unity among Malaysians as it is something that shouldn’t be happening especially among the future of our country.

Diversity is our strength and we should never overlook on this but instead we should be embracing them.