Siaran Akhbar

Elected reps should disclose foreign remittance activities of themselves and their current residence status

Jul 15, 2022

1. As the average Malaysian becomes more distressed with rising prices of basic essentials as well as the threat of a recession looming overhead, our elected representatives and families should not be let off the hook.

2. The time has come for a “show and tell” of national pride and loyalty to the ‘Jalur Gemilang.’

3. Ministers, deputy ministers and all those in public office must disclose the following:
* How much of funds from Malaysia has been remitted overseas.
* Who among these elected representatives and family members hold permanent residence (PR) status outside of Malaysia.

4. The rakyat are suffering due to the current economic situation while they watch helplessly the free-spending habits of our elected representatives and their family members. These reps seem to have deep pockets and do not have second thoughts about overseas holidays and living the high life both here and elsewhere.

5. In the interest of transparency and in solidarity with all their voters, elected representatives must come clean and state where their loyalties actually lie and which country’s economy they and their families are actually supporting.

6. Bank Negara Malaysia should step in and obtain foreign remittance transactions over the last 10 years of all elected representatives amd their family members.

7. By looking at a decade-long pattern of how those in public office (and family members) have been transmitting monies out of Malaysia, and if PR has been sought and obtained in other countries, the rakyat can make better voting decisions.

8. We no longer need politicians who are only good in giving lip-service and do not practise what they preach.

9. Dear Yang Berhormats
and all those who have and are serving in public office … please come forward and come clean about where your loyalties lie.

10. This country does not need any more entitled and tone-deaf leaders who are only intent on protecting their own rice bowls and uncaring to the sufferings of the rakyat.

Baljit Singh
Gerakan Vice President

7个月过去了 搜寻MH370重启行动呢?

7个月过去了 搜寻MH370重启行动呢?

  民政党全国主席拿督刘华才博士询问团结政府,是否已经与美国海底探测公司“海洋无限”(Ocean Infinity)代表会面?让遇难者家属了解恢复搜寻MH370的最新进展。 他说,交通部长陆兆福在今年3月初出席MH370失联10周年纪念活动上曾保证,会尽一切努力说服内阁成员,与“海洋无限”签署“无效果,不收费”的协议,以尽快重启搜寻行动。然而,陆部长在做出上述保证后就没有在告诉大家进一步详情和进展。...

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